Youth Group News – 04/10/11

The Youth Group met for the first time today to plan our Youth Room Remodel. Thank you to Joshua, Owen, Myles, Samantha & Emma for attending and providing ideas! (Thank you also to Michael, Pastor Greg, Dawn, Brian & Nora for your participation.)
The kids are very excited about the project! Here are a few details:
The kids had a great time brainstorming ideas for furnishing, painting and decorating, as well as fundraising. I am working up a plan to present to the church council, in hopes that we will be able to secure the same amount of funding as for the nursery remodel, and the kids would need to raise the rest. They are very excited about this project (our tagline is “Owning it!”) and will be full participants in every aspect – planning, fundraising, cleaning, painting, shopping, re-furnishing. We’re going to create a web page for our project, so the church family can be part of the fun.
Here is our tentative timeline:
April 24: Lemonade & iced coffee stand (Johnston-coffee/Diehl-lemonade/Sam-stand)
May: Fundraising: lemonade stand, Craigslist sale of organ, foosball table
June: Work parties (to move out furniture, clean, prime for painting, garage sale
July: Painting, IKEA shopping trip with all of the kids (transportation & lunch provided), work party to set up furniture
August: Set up, decorate, plan parties
Late August: Two “Youth Room” parties – inviting church members to take a tour of the new room after church (the kids will lead the tour)
Yay! Please keep the Youth Group in your prayers!