Subject of the Bible

A visitor to our website writes:

What subject is mentioned in the Bible the most?

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Dear friend,
That’s pretty easy.  The subject most mentioned in the Bible is that of a loving God’s redemptive plan for fallen mankind.  To be even more specific, it’s how He accomplished this plan to save fallen mankind through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins (Isaiah 53:6; 2 Corinthians 5:21).  Jesus is the key theme of the Bible.  The Old Testament points forward to His coming and to what He would do (Genesis 3:15); and the New Testament points backward to the fact that He came and what He did (Revelation 22:21).  The whole Bible is about Him (Luke 22:44; Revelation 19:10).  I hope that you trust Him.
Blessings in Jesus’ love.
Pastor Greg
Bethany Bible Church
(All Scripture quotes are taken from the New King James Version.)