AM Bible Study Group; January 27, 2010

Revelation 22:6-11

Theme: This passage describes the angel’s testimony of the things spoken in the Book of Revelation.

We come this morning to the final words of the Book of Relation—and to what we might refer to as the book’s ‘divine epilogue’. In this closing section, we find the testimony of the angel regarding the things revealed in this book (vv. 6-11); the testimony of the Lord Jesus Himself regarding the book (vv. 12-17); and the testimony of John—the one to whom the book was revealed—concerning what it has had to say to us (vv. 18-21). Each section contains deep truths, and is worthy of its own study.
This morning, we consider the first of these three sections—the section that gives primary attention to the testimony of the angel regarding the Revelation.
A. The “he” that is mentioned in this verse is—no doubt—the angel that is mentioned in Revelation 21:9; and that is again referenced in 22:1. His message to John must have made a tremendous impression; because we’re told in 15:1 that this angel is one of the seven who were part of a sign in heaven “great and marvelous”. He speaks to John from outside of the prophetic time-frame of the revelation itself, and—as it where—back on the island of Patmos (see 1:9ff). To hear this angel speak would have been sobering. And what he says to John is that all that he has seen is not a fairy-tale or a myth. He says, “These words are faithful and true”. When we take the book of Revelation seriously— and treat it as the ‘pre-history’ that it is—we are simply taking the angel at his word, and believing the testimony he himself bore of this book.
B. As if to give further credit to the testimony of the angel, John himself bears testimony of the angel’s word. “And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to show His servants the things which must shortly take place.” This is not simply the testimony of an angel—as sobering as that may be. Rather, it is the testimony he bore of the message that God Himself—the very God who had worked in the past through the ministry of His holy prophets of old—sent this angel to bear; and to show God’s servants what must shortly take place. Thus, the book ends in almost the same way as it began (see Revelation 1:1-2).
C. Note that Jesus Himself now—as it were—”pulls back the curtain” and steps forward to give His own endorsement to the message of the angel: “Behold, I am coming quickly . . .” (What a picture this gives us of eternity! If the past two-thousand years of our waiting for the Lord’s return is described by Him as His coming “quickly”, then how glorious our experience of His presence throughout eternity will be!) The fact that He is coming “quickly” (which may also mean “suddenly”) is meant to warn us to keep on the ready; “Blesses is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” This is very much like the warning our Lord gave to His disciples in the gospels (Matthew 24:36- 51); and again, is taking us back to how the book began (see Revelation 1:3).
A. The sight of this angel—and the impact of his testimony—must have greatly overwhelmed John. Even the great apostle John—the one who was so very close to the Lord Jesus during His earthly ministry, and who saw His glory revealed on the mountain (see Matthew 17)—fell before the angel and worshiped before his feet after the things he saw and heard from him. This is the second time that John did this (see Revelation 19:10). We should fault John with this only cautiously; because if someone so faithful as he would be so overwhelmed as to do this, what might you or I do?
B. The angel reinforced the priority of all of this prophecy, however, as that which points us to the worship of God through Jesus Christ His Son. Back in Revelation 19:10; another angel (?) rebuked John and said, “See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and one of your brethren, who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” True prophetic revelation from God points our attention to Jesus; and should result in our falling at His feet alone. And the angel in this passage tells John the same. “See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.” (Note that the angel puts John in the same category as the prophets! This angel is not the focus of attention any more than John would be—or any of the prophets. They are simply messengers. The true focus should be on the God who gave the message!)
A. The angel gives final instructions to John regarding this book. First, he tells him, “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand”. This is an instruction that is considerably different from the instruction that was given to Daniel at the end of his prophecy; where he was told, “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end . . .” (Daniel 12:4a). The time of fulfillment for the things given to Daniel were yet far off. Several world-empires had yet to rise in fulfillment of God’s prophetic plan. But now, we’re told that John should NOT seal this book; because it’s time is at hand. There remains no further event in God’s plan but the rise of the kingdom of the Antichrist, followed immediately by the return of our Lord.
B. And furthermore, John is told to expect that the book will have a confirming effect on the lives of those who hear it. “He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” The things described in this book do not fundamentally change someone. Instead, they simply prove what that person already is. (Note the opposing parallels of character: ‘unjustice’ parallels ‘righteousness’ as its opposite; and ‘filthiness’ also parallels ‘holiness’ as its opposite.)

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A man or a woman reveals something of their true nature by how they respond to the revelation from God—given by the angel—regarding the coming of the Lord Jesus. May we be among those who prove to be His righteous and holy ones!