AM Bible Study Group; February 3, 2010

Revelation 22:12-16

Theme: This passage describes the angel’s testimony of the things spoken in the Book of Revelation.

We’ve been looking at the ‘epilogue’ of Book of Relation. In verses 6-11, we saw the testimony of the angelic messenger to John regarding this book; and now, we hear the words of the resurrected Lord Jesus Himself concerning the things this book says.

In verses 12-17, we find a testimony concerning . . .


A. Again—as if stepping into the scene from behind the curtain—the Lord Jesus Himself breaks into the prophecy and speaks. His message is like that of verses 7 and 20—”Behold, I am coming quickly . . .” For the Lord to have said this only once would be enough; but the fact that He says it three times should impress us with its certainty!

B. With the announcement of His coming, he adds, “and My reward is with Me . . .” Here, His words are very much like the messianic testimony of Him in Isaiah 40:10 and 62:11. There, we’re told that, in His coming, “His reward is with Him, and His works (or “recompense”) before Him”. Here, He promises “to give to everyone according to his work” (2 Corinthians 5:10). Justice, at last, will be done. Note that the time the Lord says this is now—before the outpouring of His wrath on the great day of His return!


A. He declares Himself to be “the Alpha and the Omega” (see Revelation 1:8; also Isaiah 41:4). Calling Himself the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet is like saying that He is “the A to Z”. He is everything (see Colossians 3:11).

B. He goes on to say that He is “the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last”. This speaks of His identity as the eternal One who stands as Lord above and beyond time. His work is not an idea that was arrived at along the way; but rather the divine plan from before Creation!


A. Some manuscripts have it, “Blessed are those who do His commandments”; others “who wash their robes”. The version most supportable is the later one; and it parallels the words of 7:14 and 19:7-8. These are ones who have washed their robes in the blood of Jesus—not those who are made acceptable to Him on the basis of their works. They indeed do His commandments; but it is because they are first washed clean by His blood!

B. Those who are thus washed are greatly privileged. It’s they who may have a right to the tree of life (see Revelation 22:1); and who may enter through the grates of the city—the New Jerusalem. But excluded from this are those who are described as “dogs” (possibly a reference to male temple prostitutes, as in Deuteronomy 23:18; but most likely a description of those who are of low character in general [2 Samuel 3:8], and are of a malicious nature [Psalm 22:16, Matthew 7:6; Philippians 3:2]), “”sorcerers” (possibly referring to those who use illicit drugs), “sexually immoral” (in a general sense), “murderers” (whether literally or in heart), “idolaters” (worshipers of false gods, and perhaps the Antichrist in particular), “and whoever loves and practices a lie.”


A. Jesus Himself now validates the message of Revelation. He declares that He Himself has sent His angel (see Revelation 1:1-2) to testify “to you” (in the plural) these things “in the churches” (see Revelation 1:11 and chapters 2-3). The message was not just for John but was for we who are His servants (see v. 6); and it’s our privilege to declare these things to the world.

B. And with this validation—and along with our testimony to the world—is our testimony of Christ Himself. He is the “Root” (that is, the source) of King David; and the “Offspring” of Him as well (see Matthew 22:4-45). This speaks of both His deity and His humanity; because in His deity as the pre-existant Son of God, He is the “Root” of David (see Revelation 5:5), and in His humanity as born in David’s lineage as the promised Messiah (2 Samuel 7:12-14; Psalm 110:1-2), He is the “Offspring” of David (Matthew 1:1; Romans 1:3). What’s more, He is the Bright and Morning Star”—that is, the promised Ruler from long ago (see Numbers 24:17).

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This is our Lord! And it’s the blessed hope of His return (Titus 2:13) that is to be the motivating and dominating ‘presupposition’ of our lives. If His people live with their eyes faithfully fixed on the promise He makes at the end of this book, they will be able endure faithfully the times of trial and persecution that are described in it—and enjoy His blessings when those trials are over.