A Vision of Heaven

AM Bible Study; April 15, 2009
Revelation 4:1-11
Theme: Before being given the details of God’s future plan for this world, John is given a vision of the state of things in heaven.

This morning’s passage begins the third major division of the Book of Revelation—the division that our Lord identified to John in 1:19 as “the things which will take place after this”. The events described in this section (4:1-22:5) concern the unfolding of God’s plan for the future.

Before the details of God’s plan are revealed, God’s own authority and sovereignty needs to be established. And so, chapters 4-5 give us a remarkable picture of the worship that occurs around the throne of God just before these future events are set into motion. In no other passage of Scripture are we given such a clear picture of heavenly glory! And the thing to note that is central in this fourth chapter is the throne—and the almighty God who sits upon it.


A. Note first the timing in which the vision occurred (v. 1a). We’re told that this vision is given “after these things”—that is, after the revelation of Jesus in His resurrection glory (1:10-20), and the seven letters to the seven churches (chapters 2-3). That the events being shown to John are in the future is shown by words, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”
B. Note also that the invitation to see these things comes from Christ Himself (v. 1b). John says that he saw “a door standing open” (a clear picture of an invitation being offered), and heard the “first voice” which “was like a trumpet speaking”. This has already been established to us as the voice of Jesus Himself (1:10-18).
C. Finally, note John’s state of being while beholding the vision (v. 2a). He says that, immediately, he was “in the Spirit”. The word “spirit” is not capitalized in the original language, and it does not have a definite article; and so, this probably refers to a state of being rather than to the third Person of the Trinity (see also 1:10). It’s apparently a state of being in which John was able to still function with a body; because he was able to “see” or to “weep” (5:4), or even take a scroll in his hand (10:8-10). This state of being may have been something that John could experience but not describe—much like the apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 12:2-3).
A. John first saw a throne, and He who sat on it (vv. 2b-3). He describes this One as “like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance”; which would have given the impression of a deep royal reddish, resplendent color. Around the throne was a rainbow “in appearance like an emerald”. The rainbow reminds us of God’s covenant in Genesis 9 not to destroy the earth again with a flood. The One being described is later worshiped as God (v. 11). This throne—and the One who sits on it—is the focus of attention in all that follows.
B. John also saw the twenty-four elders around the throne (v. 4). They all sat on twenty- four thrones; which suggests that they possess authority from the One who sits on the central throne. They were clothed in white robes, which suggests righteousness (see 19:8); and they had crowns of gold on their heads, which suggests not only authority but also victory (2 Timothy 4:8). These appear to be redeemed human beings (see 5:8, 14) with the number twenty-four reflecting the orders of Levites and priests that were to serve in the worship of the temple (see 2 Chronicles 23-24). This helps us see that there is order in the worship of God in heaven.
C. John describes the emanations from the throne (v. 5a). There is “lightnings, thunderings, and voices”. These remind us of the dreadful scene around Mt. Sinai as God came down to give the law; and it speaks of the greatness of His authority (see Revelation 11:19).
D. John sees the seven lamps of fire before the throne (v. 5b). This is not the same thing as the seven churches (see 1:20); but most likely reflects the Spirit of God who is to each of those churches whatever He needs to be (3:1). The same Spirit who works in the churches also is before the throne of God.
E. John then describes the sea of glass before the throne (v. 6a). This is presented as being as clear as crystal (see 22:1). The “sea” is most likely something similar to the large bronze laver that was in the tabernacle of old (Exodus 30:17-21); and is a picture of the purity of God’s throne.
F. John sees the four living creatures in the midst of and around the throne (vv. 6b-8a). These are probably angelic beings—similar to what is shown to us in the first chapter of Ezekiel. Their four different images have been variously interpreted. Some see them as representing the four Gospels; others see them as representing the four orders of the tribes of Israel. Others see the combination of them as representative of all of God’s created order. They have eyes “in front and in back”; and indeed are “full of eyes around and within”. This speaks of their great watchfulness as those protective of the worship around God’s throne. They each also have six wings; which closely identifies them with the angelic beings that Isaiah saw in Isaiah 6:6-7—who also sang “Holy, holy, holy . . .” These beings may be representatives of the multitudes of angels that worship around the throne of God (see 5:11).
G. Finally, John describes the actual worship of Him who sits on the throne (vv. 8b-11). The four living creatures cry out in a manner much like what we read the cherubim cry out in tri-fold praise of God’s holiness. And whenever they so cry out, the twenty-four elders respond by worshiping the One on the throne and casting their crowns before Him—giving Him praise as Creator.

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All these things reminds us that, just before the outpouring of the most dreadful times of trial that will ever occur in human history, heaven is still in charge. God sits upon His throne; and all the heavenly hosts say, Amen! He wanted us—His people—to know this; so that we will remain steadfast, and come out of the other side victorious!