Martyrs Under the Altar

AM Bible Study, May 6, 2009
Revelation 6:9-11

Theme: The opening of the fifth seal reveals the great martyrdom of the saints during the time of tribulation. 

The opening of the fifth seal reveals something distinct from the first four. Each of the first four is followed by a cry from heaven, “Come.” But there is no such call with the opening of the fifth seal. The first four seals describe the removal of God’s hand and allow evil to have its way on earth. But the fifth seal is the result—the martyrdom of the saints in an unprecedented level.
One of the things that we learn from this passage is that, in the time of tribulation, it will become harder than ever to follow Jesus. During that dark time, someone will claim Jesus as Savior at the cost of their lives. But we note also from this passage the glory of those who are thus put to death for Jesus.

A. John notes who these ‘martyrs’ are. They are those who were slain—not through the trials of the first four seals, but “for the word of God and for the testimony which they held”. During that dark time to come, the word of God will nevertheless be proclaimed. It may be that the unfolding events of the first four seals will move God’s people to open His word and—with great boldness—proclaim the meaning of the events that were occurring. This will arouse the anger of the unbelieving people of this world intensely. Not only so, but these saints will be moved to hold tightly to the testimony of Jesus and their faith in Him. They will be under great pressure to deny Him; but they will not.
B. Note that their souls are “under the altar”—that is, the place in which the blood of God’s burnt offering was poured out (Leviticus 4:34). The world sees their deaths as a convenient way of getting rid of some inconvenient people. But God views their death as an offering unto Him.
C. Note also that they live and exist—though they had died. They can speak, and can wear robes, and can be ‘beheld’. Physical death puts the man or woman of God in an “intermediate state” in which they await the day of resurrection (see Matthew 10:28; Luke 16:19-31; 20:38; 23:43; Philippians 1:21).


A. This is not a cry of anguish. It’s a cry with a confident, ‘loud voice’. It’s a cry that confidently calls out for the hand of God to be moved toward justice. Note to whom it is they cry out—to (literally) “the Despot”—the authoritative Master. He is described as “holy” and “true”; so they are confident that they will be heard and His hand will move to bring about justice.
B. They ask how long it will be until the Lord judges, and avenges their blood on those who dwell on the earth. Note that they do not seek to take vengeance themselves, but trust the righteous Judge to do it for them (see 2 Thessalonians 1:3-10). These dark times yet to come will not be ignored by God. Even today, those who lay down their lives for Him cry out, “How long?” But He will vindicate His name, and bring about justice for His redeemed people.


A. A white robe is given to them. This symbolizes their righteousness (see 19:8; see also Isaiah 61:10). This assures them of their full acceptance before God—fully to be realized in glory in the day of resurrection.
B. What’s more, they are made to understand that they are not alone. It was said to them that they should rest “a little while longer”. This was until the full number of their fellow-servants and their brethren “who would be killed as they were” was fully completed. The martyrdom of the saints is in His sovereign control. Jesus promised this (John 16:1-4); and the Scriptures clearly tell us in advance that this will be an aspect of the last days (1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Timothy 4:3-4; Revelation 12:11; 13:7, 15). God even knows the number of His saints who are called upon and appointed to lay down their lives for Him, so that when the last of His appointed ones are brought into His presence by martyrdom, the number is “completed”.

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We are beginning to see these pressures in our own day more and more. In many places of the world today, this costs the saints their lives; but in the time of tribulation, this cost will be felt world-wide. Our best response is to prepare ourselves to—as they are said to have done—faithfully proclaim God’s word in our day, and cling unceasingly to the testimony of Jesus Christ.