AM Bible Study Group; October 28, 2009
Revelation 18:1-8
Theme: In this passage, we’re given the reason for the judgment of God falling upon the great harlot city Babylon.

Chapter 18 is a continuation of the theme first introduced to us in Revelation 16:19, and more fully developed in the 17th chapter–the ‘remembering’ of the great city Babylon by God in judgment. In chapter 17, this wicked ‘harlot’ city is described to us; and in chapter 18, its dreadful judgment is told to us. Verses 1-8 of this chapter tell us the reasons for the judgment of God falling upon her; verses 9-20 describe the way that the ungodly of this world will mourn over her judgment; and verses 21-24 affirm the finality of her judgment.


A. After the description of the city (chapter 17), John saw “another” angel coming down from heaven. The word translated “another” means “another of the same kind” as the first angel (17:1); and so, this may be another of the seven angels with the seven bowls. Note that, in chapter 16, two of the bowl-judgments involve a reference to the kingdom of the Antichrist (16:10, 19). This angel is described as having “great authority”; and his coming to the earth illuminated this dark world with the brightness of his glory. What an awesome sight that must have been for John!

B. It’s then that this angel cries out “mightily with a loud voice”. All would have heard his testimony above the din of this sinful world. His announcement, in the original language places emphasis on the destruction of Babylon; and reads, “Is fallen, is fallen, Babylon the great . . . “

1. He speaks of how it has become a store-house of all kinds of evil. It has become the dwelling place of demons (which speaks of its diabolical character), a prison for every foul spirit (which speaks of its intense wickedness), and a cage for every unclean and hated bird (which speaks perhaps of its grotesque spiritual character, but may also speak of its character as a place of death–with buzzards in reserve; see also 20:17-18).

2. The reason for its fallenness is given. All the nations had drunk of the wine of the wrath of its fornication. Christendom itself will have forsaken the one true God and became heady with the wine of its sin! Kings of the earth ‘went to bed’ with her; and the merchants of the earth made their fortunes by her–all in violation of faithfulness to the one true God. This is no ordinary city. A connection to it is a deliberate choice to shake the fist at God! (As we read on in this chapter, we see these same entities mourning over the loss of all these things at her destruction.)


John says that he then heard “another voice from heaven”. We’re not told who this voice is; but because it speaks of “my people” in verse 4, we can speculate that it’s the voice of the Lord Himself–stepping in to make comment about all that is being shown (see 16:15). He goes on to speak of . . .

A. The judgment of her wickedness (vv. 4-5). The voice calls for His people to leave this dreadful city, lest they share in its “plagues”–just as the people of Israel were called out of Egypt, or Lot and his family were called out of Sodom and Gomorrah. We’re told that “her sins have reached to heaven (see Gen. 18:20-21), and God has remembered her iniquities”. None of the sins of this wicked city are ignored. They ignored Him; but He did not ignore them. We today, who are called by His name, must make sure that we are not a part of this city’s sins as well!

B. The judgment of her animosity toward the saints (v. 6). Speaking still to the people of God, God announces judgment upon her by saying that she is to be rendered double for the “double acts” which she had done to them. He also says that double is to be mixed for her of that cup which she had mixed to the saints (see 17:6).

C. The judgment of her materialism (7a). She lived in luxury; and that luxury is described vividly in the rest of this chapter. The materialism with which she glorified herself was great; but as great as it was, she is–to that same measure–to be given torment and sorrow.

D. The judgment of her pride (vv. 7b-8). In addition to it all, this harlot city was prideful. In her heart, she makes three arrogant affirmations: “I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.” And yet, “therefore”, her plagues will come “in one day” (that is, quickly–just as Babylon of old came to an end in one day). Death and mourning and famine will suddenly replace her hatred for the saints, her materialism and her pride. She will be utterly burned with fire (literally; see v. 9); “for strong is the Lord God who judges her”.

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This literal city may not yet exist on the earth; but its system of values and priorities most certainly does (see 1 John 4:3)! Therefore, we who follow Jesus today must heed His warning! “Therefore ‘Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you'” (2 Corinthians 6:17; see also Isaiah 52:11).