AM Bible Study Group; November 25, 2009

Revelation 19:11-16

Theme: Theme: This passage describes the characteristics of our Savior at the time of His return..

Theme: This passage describes the characteristics of our Savior at the time of His return.

This passage describes for us the great event that, elsewhere in Scripture, is called "the blessed hope" (Titus 2:13)—that is, the physical return of Jesus Christ to earth. This coming should be distinguished from His coming to earth (after the tribulation, and prior to the outpouring of God’s wrath) to receive His church to Himself (John 14:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

It begins with John seeing heaven opened. It must be that there is a closure of heaven from earth because of the sinfulness of this world. But now, because Jesus begins to take possession of the kingdoms of this world, the heavens are opened (see Revelation 11:15).


A. He comes riding on a white horse. This speaks of His conquering majesty. A white horse symbolizes His purity. This is a majesty of which the coming of the Antichrist was only a faint imitation (see 6:1-2).

B. He is called "faithful and true". The attributing of these names to Him seems to be associated with His position as ‘firstborn’ (see Revelation 1:5; 3:7, 14). But they also speak clearly of His nature as a ruler. What a contrast to the sinfulness and deceit of the Antichrist!

C. He judges and makes war in righteousness. There is no sin in His actions. He takes possession of this earth justly.

D. His eyes are like a flame of fire. This speaks of His character as the all-seeing One; who sees—and thus, judges—in purity and righteousness (Revelation 1:14; see also Hebrews 4:13).

E. He wears many crowns. He wears not just one, but many! He takes possession, not just of a kingdom, but of all of the kingdoms of this earth.

F. He has a mysterious name. In His pre-incarnate appearances, He sometimes presented His name as a mystery (Revelation 2:7; see also 32:29; Judges 13:17-18). So also here, His glory remains unfathomable.

G. His garment is dipped in blood. This is a fulfillment of what we read in Isaiah 63:1-6. What a dreadful sight He will be to the wicked of this world! The blood He bears is not His own, but the blood of the wicked in judgment!

H. His name is called "the Word of God". This is His name—and His role—as the One who reveals the Father (John 1:1; 1 John 1:1).


A. They are from heaven. This army is constituted of those who were redeemed during the Old Testament era, the church, and the tribulation saints. They are the ones who will rule with Him (see Revelation 20:4).

B. They are clothed in white robes like His. They are robbed with His righteousness; but also with the garments of their own faithful deeds in His name (see Revelation 6:9-11; 19:8).

C. They follow Him on white horses. They ride in majesty as He does; but note that they don’t simply ride where they will. They ride following Him!


A. A sharp sword proceeds from out of His mouth. Jesus was presented at the beginning in this very way (see 1:16); and its with this great sword of His own word that He strikes the nations (see 19:21).

B. He rules the nations with a rod of iron. The word for "rule" can also be translated "to feed" or "pastor". Note that He Himself so rules! It is with this same rod that He was promised to rule in Psalm 2:8-9).

C. He treads the wine press of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. Again, this points us to the shocking prophecy of Isaiah 63:1-6. And note, once more, that He Himself treads the wine press!

D. He bears the name, "King of kings and Lord of lords". He bears this name not only on His garments, but also on His person. The thigh seems to be a symbol for the place of identity through which a person takes-up and keeps a pledge (See Genesis 24:2-3; 32:31; 47:29-31). Note His glorious title (see Deut. 10:17; Dan. 2:47; 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14).

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What can we say to this but what Paul himself wrote in 1 Corinthians 16:22—"If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed. O Lord, come!" (or "Maranatha!").