AM Bible Study Group; November 3, 2010

Numbers 34:1-29

Theme: In this chapter, we’re given the dimensions of the land that God was giving the people of Israel, and further instructions on its division to them.

This chapter may seem like nothing more than the description of a bunch of borders. But in reality, it’s the climatic chapter of the book of Numbers. It’s the declaration of the land that God was giving the people of Israel. It’s what the whole book of Numbers has been leading up to. But it’s importance has its roots way earlier—in the promise that God made to Abraham (see Genesis 13:14-17. This is the land that God had promised the descendants of Abraham. And now, as they are about to enter it, God declares it to them. What a great, promise-keeping God we serve!
But there’s more. This chapter is, actually, a picture of our own situation in Christ. We too have been given a great inheritance in Christ (Ephesians 1:3-14; 1 Peter 1:3-9); and this chapter serves to spur us on to boldly rise up and take possession of our inheritance.
A. The land declared an inheritance (vv. 1-2). Much of the details of this chapter are best understood by looking at a map. But notice how it begins. God instructs Moses to “command” the people regarding the land He was giving them; and say to them, “When you come into the land of Canaan, this is the land that shall fall to you as an inheritance—the land of Canaan to its boundaries.” Note that the people of Israel didn’t simply take over a plot of land. It was given to them by God. It is His to give to whomever He wishes (Psalm 24:1). He gave it to Israel; and it is still theirs.
B. Southern border (vv. 3-5). After he had separated from Lot, God told Abraham; ““Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward; or all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever” (Genesis 13:14-15). Now; all those dimensions are shown to the people. Note that “the Salt Sea” is the same as the Dead Sea.
C. Western border (v. 6). The Mediterranean served as the natural border on the west.
D. Northern border (vv. 7-9). The Mount Hor mentioned here is different from the one on which Aaron died.
E. Eastern border (vv. 10-12). The “Sea of Chinnereth” is the same as the Sea of Galilee.
F. The tribes East of the Jordan (vv. 13-15). Note here that a description is given of the land that belonged to the two-and-a-half tribes that took claim to the territory east of the Jordan (see chapter 32).
A. The supervisors of the division (vv. 16-17). Not only did God delineate the borders of the land, but He also stated who would be responsible for overseeing its division. Joshua, of course, would be the one who would lead them into the land in Moses’ place; and with him would serve Eleazar the priest.
B. The leaders from each tribe (vv. 18-29). These names may not mean much to us; but they were leaders of their tribes; and were entrusted with the responsibility of seeing that their tribe had full possession of the inheritance God was giving them. Note that Caleb stands out as the leader of Judah. You can almost imagine the cheers as these names were declared!

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May we, too, rise up and take possession of what God has given us in Christ! May we say, with David, “O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good inheritance” (Psalm 16:5-6).