Theme: The conflicts Jesus began to experience in the temple displayed His identity.
Theme: The conflicts Jesus began to experience in the temple displayed His identity.
Theme: God blesses those who endure temptation.
Theme: A resolve to let Christ be magnified in our bodies – whether by life or by death – leads to joy.
Update from our Local Missions partner, St Child. stchild0211
Theme: In a time of trial and loss, we need to keep our eyes on our true worth in Christ.
Theme: Joy in difficult circumstances comes from keeping our eyes on what God is doing in them.
Theme: The “sign” at the wedding in Cana identified Jesus as the Creator-God in human flesh.
Theme: In the midst of our trials, we are encouraged to ask God for wisdom by faith.
Theme: The basis for prevailing joy is the confidence that the salvation God began in us in Christ will also be fully completed by Him.
Theme: We are to rejoice in the maturity God is bringing about in us through our trials.
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