HIM WE PREACH! – Colossians 1:28-29
Theme: God gives us, in these two verses, our "mission statement" as a church and as individual believers.
Theme: God gives us, in these two verses, our "mission statement" as a church and as individual believers.
Theme: The great ‘mystery’—“Christ in you, the hope of glory”—should motivate us to love and service.
Theme: Knowing the great price that was paid for our redemption, we should live our lives on earth in holy awe.
Theme: Jesus’ encounter with those who opposed Him moved Him to declare boldly who He is.
Theme: In this passage, we’re shown what is involved in a sinner becoming “reconciled” to God.
Theme: We’re to put the hope of future glory to work through holy living in the present.
Theme: Jesus is an all-sufficient Savior, because He—the very One who created us—is also the One who redeems us.
Theme: In this passage, the apostle Peter encourages us to be true to our faith by showing us the great value that others have placed on our salvation.
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