AM Bible Study Group; January 22, 2014

Joshua 21

Theme: God insured His influence would remain with His people by providing cities for the Levites.

(Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated).

In our last study, we noted that the Book of Joshua does not declare the promises of God fulfilled to the people of Israel until two important things were completed. First, the the cities of refuge needed to be established—and this is told to us in Chapter 20. And second—and very much in conjunction with the first—the inheritance of the priestly tribe of the Levites needed to be given to them. These two things go together; because all of the cities of refuge were cities that were to be given to the Levites, and—just as He established mercy through the cities of refuge—God establishes a reverent sense of His presence through scattering the inheritance of the Levites throughout the land. This is in keeping with the prophetic word of Jacob concerning Levi in Genesis 49:7; “I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel.”
A. After the rest of the land had been established, it was time for the Levites to receive their cities. They came forward to lay claim to the promise of God that was made concerning them back in Numbers 35:1-8—a promise of forty-eight cities within the inheritance of Israel, with a two-thousand cubit measurement around each city for the ‘common land’ for their cattle. It was said early on that this tribe would have no physical ‘inheritance’ like the other tribes; and that the Lord Himself would be their inheritance (see Joshua 13:14, 33). This is a picture of God’s command to provide for those who serve His kingdom (1 Corinthians 9:13-14).
B. The people of Israel kept true to the commandment of God; and gave the the Levites cities from each tribe. Note that of the three families of the Levites, the Kohathites are mentioned first. They were the ones from which Moses and Aaron came; and it was to the sons of Aaron that the priestly role had been entrusted. The sons of Aaron were given thirteen cities from out of Judah, Simeon and Benjamin. The rest of the Kohathites—not of the priestly line of Aaron— were given ten cities from Ephraim, Dan and the half-tribe of Manaseh. Of the remaining two families of the Levites, Gershon was given thirteen cities from Issachar, Asher, Naphtali and from the Eastern half of Manasseh; and Marari was given twelve cities from Reuben, Gad and Zebulun.
C. Note the mercy of God in this. Certainly, this was a mercy to the Levites. God ordained that those who served His cause were to be provided for. But it was also mercy to the rest of the nation; because God’s priestly representatives would live in the midst of His people— constantly teaching them and reminding them of His laws and His ways.
A. The allocations of the cities can best be seen from the attached diagram.
B. Note how God graciously scattered His priestly tribe throughout the land; and kept His promise of forty-eight cities! We who are in Christ—who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit—are now “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people”, who are to “proclaim the praises of Him” who called us “out of darkness into His marvelous light”
(1 Peter 2:9). It’s our privilege to be scattered everywhere in this world and to bear a testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ to the people—in the midst of the daily business of life—who need to hear about Him.
A. It was only after this provision had been made that it was said that God had given rest to the land and had kept His promises fully to His people. (These three verses contain some important spiritual lessons, and we’ll concentrate on them in our next study.)
B. We can’t help but notice that the people didn’t successfully drive all the Canaanites out of the land. Did God’s promise fail? No. God didn’t promise to give them the land without any effort on their part. He fulfilled His promises and gave everything to them if they would take it in dependence on Him. They sadly often failed to do so. God furnished His people with victory—if they would but rise up and take it victoriously! We too have all we need (2 Peter 1:3) . . . if we will rise up and use it!