THE THOUSAND-YEAR REIGN – Revelation 20:4-10

AM Bible Study Group; October 12, 2016 from Revelation 20:4-10

Theme: This passage describes the glorious millennial reign of Jesus Christ on earth.

(All Scripture is taken from The New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated).

This passage describes for us the wonderful reign of Jesus Christ upon this earth for a thousand years after His return. It will be a time on earth unlike any other in all of its history—a time when, apparently, the human population of the earth will also include those redeemed saints who had followed Jesus from heaven at His coming (Revelation 19:14), and those martyred tribulation saints that will have been raised from the dead to reign with Him (20:4); all with the literal presence of the glorified King of kings in their midst, and with the enemy of our souls prevented from bringing any influence or deception upon them.
There are three basic schools of thought regarding the millennial reign of Christ as described here. One is the ‘post-millennial’ viewpoint. It interprets the events leading up to the millennial reign as non-literal, or symbolic of past events that occurred in the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD; and sees the church in the world victoriously improving its influence in society until it triumphs in the return of Christ. Another is the ‘amillennial’ viewpoint. It interprets not only the events of the tribulation as symbolic but also of the reign itself as non-literal; and sees the ‘1,000 years’ as a figure of speech for the rule of Christ over the hearts of His people from heaven during the church age. A third is the ‘premillennial’ viewpoint. It interprets the events of both the tribulation and the millennial reign as literal, and the literal 1,000 year reign as coming after the literal return of Christ.
Just as Jesus’ return is meant to be understood as literal (Acts 1:11), so His reign should also be understood as literal. This passage is here being interpreted from the premillennial viewpoint as describing a literal 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth.
A. John says that he sees “thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them.” Key to our interpretation of this passage is who we understanding the “they” to be. In the original language, the same single word translated “I saw” at the beginning of this verse not only governs the description of the thrones, but also “the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God . . .” (The second phrase “I saw” in verse 4—usually found in most English translations as “Then I saw the souls …”—is not actually present in the original text. John’s words literally read only, “And the souls …” [kai tas psuchas]; reinforcing the idea that the act of seeing the thrones is the same act as seeing the souls of those who had been beheaded.). And so, the most sensible conclusion is that the “they” who sit on thrones and judge with Christ will be those faithful tribulation saints who were put to death by the Antichrist during his activities and raised at Christ’s coming. Others will also live on the earth at that time; and apparently others will also reign with Christ. But perhaps these are being specified to show how Christ brought about a victory for them over the Antichrist who had slain them.
B. These saints are raised from the dead, “who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands” (see Revelation 13:14-17; 15:2). These, we’re told, “lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years” (see Daniel 7:9). While almost no information is given here to us about that reign, much is told to us about it in the Old Testament. John MacArthur writes, “The millennial rule of Christ and the saints will be marked by the presence of righteousness and peace (Isaiah 32:17) and joy (Isaiah 12:3-4; 61:3, 7). Physically, it will be a time when the curse is lifted (Isaiah 11:7-9; 30:23-24; 35:1-2, 7), when food will be plentiful (Joel 2:21-27), and when there will be physical health and well-being (Isaiah 33:24; 35:5-6), leading to long life (Isaiah 65:20)” (Because The Time is Near [Chicago: Moody Press, 2007], pp. 299-300). These will truly be the greatest days for mankind on earth.
A. The dead who are raised at the beginning of Christ’s reign will be only a portion of those who will eventually be raised. We’re told that “the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished”. The description of the events of this subsequent resurrection is given to us in Revelation 20:11-15. That resurrection, however, will be the resurrection of the unredeemed with respect to their appearance for judgment before the great white throne.
B. We’re told that this first resurrection at the beginning of Jesus’ reign is a very blessed one to be a part of (see Luke 14:14; John 5:29; Acts 24:15; 1 Corinthians 15:23; Hebrews 11:35). Those who are raised at that time are called “blessed and holy”. This puts them in contrast to those who will be raised unto judgment. Over those who are a part of the first resurrection, “the second death has no power” (see 20:14). Of the seven “blessings of Revelation” (1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:19; 20:6; 22:7, 14), the blessing of being raised in the first resurrection is the fifth blessing that is mentioned; and those who are thus blessed are said to “reign” with Christ throughout the thousand years. This is a blessing worth staying faithful to Christ for in this fallen world—even, if needs be, to the point of death (in a temporal sense)—order to experience.
A. Though it will be a time of unprecedented blessedness, mankind will still prove to be fallen; and the devil will capitalize on that fallen nature. Satan will have been chained at at that point for 1,000 years—from the beginning of the glorious reign of Christ (20:1-3); but when the thousand years are completed, we’re told that he will be released from his prison (for a little while; v. 3) “to deceive the nations which are on the four corners of the earth” (as distinct from Israel itself; see 7:1; also Isaiah 11:12). For a thousand years, there will have been no wars on earth. But now, with his release, the devil inspires war. These nations are called by the name Gog and Magog—names which are mentioned in Ezekiel 38:2 and 39:1 and 6; with Megog mentioned in Genesis 10:2 as a son of Japheth (Noah’s son). In Ezekiel 38-39, the prophetic events being described appear to be those of Revelation 19:17-21; but it may be that, upon his release, the devil resumes what he had started at the beginning of the thousand years. Hence the names ‘Gog and Megog’ being used once again.
B. The nations are gathered by the devil—like the sand of the sea in number—against the camp of the saints and the beloved city (Jerusalem). But the rebellion doesn’t last for very long. Fire comes down from God out of heaven and devours the army (Ezekiel 38:22)—thus bringing a swift end to this brief, final rebellion.
C. The devil, who deceived these nations, will then at last be cast into the lake of fire (see 19:20; 20:14), where the beast and false prophet will already have been for 1,000 years. They (meaning all three) will be tormented day and night forever and ever (see 20:14).

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As someone once said, “Die once, live twice; die twice, live once.” Those who are Christ’s at their first death will never experience the second death. May we be among those who are of the first resurrection … and who, therefore, have no need to fear the second!