Theme: To have the impact the Lord wants us to have in this hostile world, we must keep distinct as His followers.
Theme: To have the impact the Lord wants us to have in this hostile world, we must keep distinct as His followers.
Theme: This passage traces the major milestones of faith in the life of Moses.
Theme: This passage describes the cataclysmic events that will occur on the earth at the time of the blowing of the first four trumpets of judgment.
Theme: Even if something precious to us causes us to sin, it’s worth taking extreme measures to separate ourselves from it.
Theme: This passage describes the sober scene in heaven just before the final outpouring of God’s wrath on earth begins
Theme: Jesus warns that anyone who causes one of His believers to stumble is subject to severe judgment.
Theme: Before the outpouring of His wrath, God gives the world a remarkable display of His saving grace by providing select proclaimers of the gospel.
Theme: The opening of the sixth seal brings to an end the present order of things, and marks the beginning of the outpouring of ‘the wrath of the Lamb’ upon the ungodly.
Theme: The patriarchs of Israel illustrate for us how to have faith in the promises of God.
Theme: The fifth seal reveals the martyrdom of the saints during the time of tribulation.
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