Theme: Jesus tells us, in the Olivet Discourse, the events that will announce His return.
Theme: Jesus tells us, in the Olivet Discourse, the events that will announce His return.
Theme: The writer of Hebrews sets before his readers some counsel for going through times of trial.
Theme: In this passage, Paul tells us about how God the Father brought about our full salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.
Theme: In this passage, the Lord Jesus alerts His followers beforehand of the nature of the times that will precede His return.
Theme: In this passage, Paul tells us about the wonderful news of the heavenly Father’s role in our salvation.
Theme: The Lord Jesus gives instructions on how to live faithfully for Him during the times that precede His return.
Theme: Because of all that’s been done before us, we must run the race of faith set ahead of us.
Theme: Paul introduces this letter by affirming the blessedness of our present heavenly position in Christ.
I am studying 1 Corinthians 13:4-11 and I see that the King James Version uses the word “charity”, but the New King James Version and many other translations uses the word “love”. Is “love” the accurate word? And verse 10 says, “But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” Is this referring to Jesus?
“Lately, God has been walking with me on a new journey and I’m learning a lot, and fasting is something I’d like to know more about. … Do you fast? Is it true that you can fast food but still drink liquid during the fast? Can you fast things like TV and the Internet?”
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