FIVE 'P's FOR PERPETUAL THANKS – Philippians 4:19
Theme: The apostle Paul affirms five reasons for perpetual thanksgiving in all circumstances.
Theme: The apostle Paul affirms five reasons for perpetual thanksgiving in all circumstances.
Theme: This passage enlivens our desire for the New Jerusalem by telling us the things that will not be found there.
Theme: Our God is the God of the living, and His promise of our resurrection unto life is sure and certain.
Theme: It was God’s plan that the faithful Old Testament saints were to be one in faith with us through the hope of Christ.
Theme: This passage describes, in astonishing detail, the beauty of the New Jerusalem that will be our eternal dwelling place with Jesus throughout eternity.
Theme: As Jesus’ followers, we are obligated to give what is proper to both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of men.
Theme: It is a serious an act of rebellion against God whenever men reject Christ’s right to their love, worship and obedience.
Theme: This passage describes the the nature of the new heaven and the new earth.
Theme: To obtain the eternal inheritance our Lord wants us to receive, we must be diligent toward the faith until the end.
Theme: This passage describes the Great White Throne judgment at the end of this present age.
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