Theme: This verse shows us the perfections of the message of the gospel of our salvation as viewed from four perspectives.
Theme: This verse shows us the perfections of the message of the gospel of our salvation as viewed from four perspectives.
Theme: In this passage, God gave to Moses the blessing that the priests were to pass on to His people during their journey to the promised land.
Theme: This passage describes Solomon’s wise advice for living in the context of fallible human government while ‘under the sun’.
Theme: Those who seek to establish moral purity through external matters end up making themselves impure in the sight of God.
Theme: In this passage, God describes the Old Testament procedure that was to be followed for those who wished to devote themselves to a very serious vow of dedication to Him
John 16:20-22 – Theme: For His followers, Jesus’ resurrection means that sorrow perpetually gives way to joy.
Theme: This chapter describes God’s requirement of ceremonial, moral and relational purity from His people as they prepare to march to the promised land.
John 12:32-33 – Theme: This passage tells us of three glorious things that began to be true when Jesus made His ‘triumphant entry’ into Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday.
Theme: Even in the best of men, the pursuit of wisdom is hampered by the reality of sin in the human heart.
Titus 1:12-14 – Theme: Strong biblical leadership must exhort God’s people to separate themselves from the worldly influences that make them vulnerable to false teaching.
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