Theme: The blowing of the eleventh trumpet announces that the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of the Lord and His Christ.
Theme: The blowing of the eleventh trumpet announces that the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of the Lord and His Christ.
Theme: We are to live the Christian life with all the earnestness of an athlete in a race.
This section of Revelation outlines the ministry of the Lord’s “two witnesses” that precedes His return.
Theme: “Wisdom”, limited to life under the sun, cannot satisfactorily answer the ultimate questions of life.
Some important spiritual principles for those who are called to be identified with the crucified Christ are illustrated for us in the experience of Simon of Cyrene.
Theme: Solomon sets forth the thesis of his address: Measured strictly ‘under the sun’, all of life is ‘vanity’.
Those who were mocking the King of the Jews were expressing more truth about Him than they realized.
AM Bible Study Group; July 1, 2009 Revelation 10:1-11 Theme: This chapter describes the heralding of the coming of the Lord to take possession of […]
Everyone who encounters Jesus must make a decision about Him.
This passage describes the sounding of the sixth trumpet, and the unleashing of the four bound angels upon the earth.
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