Theme: Solomon sets forth the thesis of his address: Measured strictly ‘under the sun’, all of life is ‘vanity’.
Theme: Solomon sets forth the thesis of his address: Measured strictly ‘under the sun’, all of life is ‘vanity’.
This passage teaches followers of Jesus how to set their minds for faithful living in tough times.
This passage describes the sounding of the sixth trumpet, and the unleashing of the four bound angels upon the earth.
A balanced vocational life is a product of inner-contentedness before God.
This chapter describes Paul’s arrival to and witness in Rome.
The cross becomes very relevant to us when we remember three things: Jesus’ innocence, our sinfulness, and the Father’s sovereign provision.
AM Bible Study for Wednesday, June 3, 2009 Revelation 8:1-6 Theme: This passage describes the sober scene in heaven just before the outpouring of God’s wrath […]
God gives a picture of the multitude in glory that comes out of the great tribulation.
The story of Paul’s shipwreck puts his character as a missionary on display.
Paul’s experience teaches us how to be set free from our past so that we can move on toward all that Jesus Christ saved us to be.
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