Revelation 7:1-8
Theme: Before the outpouring of His wrath, God gives the world a display of His grace.
Revelation 7:1-8
Theme: Before the outpouring of His wrath, God gives the world a display of His grace.
Matthew 26:69-75
Theme: Peter’s denial of the Lord teaches us what we can do to stand faithfully for Him in our own times of testing.
Acts 25:1-26:32
Theme: Before he was sent to Rome, God used Paul to give a gospel appeal to the Jewish king Agrippa II.
Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10, 2009: We owe honor to our first mother on Mother’s Day; because her story is a key part of our own story of redemption.
Theme: The opening of the fifth seal reveals the great martyrdom of the saints during the time of tribulation.
Preached May 3, 2009 Psalm 111 Theme: True wisdom shows itself through contemplating and praising God for His wonderful works.
Theme: The opening of the first four seals releases the first four events of the tribulation.
Preached Palm Sunday, April 26, 2009 Matthew 26:57-68 Theme: During His trial before the High Priest, our Savior’s true character was proven. (Unless otherwise noted, […]
PM Home Bible Study; April 22, 2009 Acts 24:1-27 Theme: Paul’s defense before Governor Felix highlights the value there is in keeping ‘a conscience without […]
Preached April 19, 2009 from Luke 18:1-8 Theme: Jesus’ parable of the unjust judge and the persistent widow teaches us the need to be faithful […]
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