Theme: Those who will enter into the full blessings of Jesus unexpected return will be those who had lived in spiritual readiness for it.
Theme: Those who will enter into the full blessings of Jesus unexpected return will be those who had lived in spiritual readiness for it.
Theme: We are commanded to give thanks to God because of the many good things it does for our soul.
Theme: We are commanded to give thanks to God because of the many good things it does for our soul.
Theme: The Christian’s confident motivation for spreading God’s word throughout the world is found in its great theme, its divine power, and its saving impact.
Theme: The secret to ‘contentment’ in all circumstances in life is to live in a dependent union with Jesus Christ.
Theme: Our Lord, for the encouragement and exhortation of His followers, reveals the sequence of events that surround His second coming
Theme: God blesses those who honor His right to a tenth of what He gives them.
Theme: Our Lord expresses His sovereignty in even the greatest time of trial the world will ever know.
Theme: Jesus teaches His followers how to live faithfully for Him on earth while awaiting His return.
Theme: The Lord’s gracious rule and protective care will be withdrawn, when His people persist in rejecting it.
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