Theme: This passage shows us how God turned our fall in Adam into an opportunity to shower His abounding grace upon us.
Theme: This passage shows us how God turned our fall in Adam into an opportunity to shower His abounding grace upon us.
Theme: We must not follow the paths taken by others without carefully considering where God says those paths will lead .
Theme: God commanded that the gift of the land be honored by respecting the life of its inhabitants.
Theme: God’s saving grace is revealed to us through the conversation Jesus had with the two men who were crucified with Him.
Theme: We are to prove ourselves to be God’s people in this world by how we respond to the frustrating challenges around us.
The Future of the World Powers, Israel, and the Kingdom of Messiah (9:1-14:21).
Theme: In this passage, God calls the people to stay true to the forms of spirituality He gave them.
Theme: The story of King Manasseh teaches us lessons about the dangers of a rebellion.
Theme: In this passage, God gives instructions regarding the conduct of Israel’s king.
Theme: Those baptized with Jesus into His death are to now live as those raised with Him to newness of life.
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