Theme: True freedom—at the deepest level—comes only through a relationship with Him who is the Truth.
Theme: True freedom—at the deepest level—comes only through a relationship with Him who is the Truth.
Theme: The writer of Hebrews highlights the faith of the Old Testament hero Gideon.
Theme: This section of Revelation outlines the ministry of the Lord’s “two witnesses” whose ministry precedes His return.
Theme: We need to rightly respond to even the littlest of children; because Jesus said ‘of such’ is His kingdom.
Theme: This chapter describes the declaration of the promise of the coming of the Lord to take possession of the kingdoms of this earth.
Theme: The true nature of the marriage bond is such that it cannot be broken without violating the intent of its Creator
Theme: By faith, not only did the people of Israel conquer the city of Jericho, but one of its believing citizens was spared.
Theme: This passage describes the sounding of the sixth trumpet, and the unleashing upon the earth of the four ‘bound’ angels.
Theme: We respond in the best way to debates about marriage by faithfully declaring God’s authoritative account of the beginning.
Theme: This passage describes the unleashing of the locusts from the abyss upon the earth at the blowing of the fifth trumpet.
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