FROM 'DEAD' TO 'ALIVE' – 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
Theme: Jesus has made all ‘dead’ by His cross, so that those who believe on Him can be made truly ‘alive’.
Theme: Jesus has made all ‘dead’ by His cross, so that those who believe on Him can be made truly ‘alive’.
Theme: The story of our resurrected Lord’s appearances to His disciples affirms the trustworthiness of faith in their testimony.
Theme: Paul warns Timothy about one of the most dangerous forms ‘ungodliness’ in daily living—that of deviating from God’s revealed truth.
Theme: God’s temporal works in our lives have meaning in the light of His greater plan for the ages.
Theme: Timothy is instructed to exhort believers to faithfully honor those for whom they work.
Theme: Timothy is given personal advice in dealing with the people in various areas of ministry in the church.
Theme: This passage shows how much our Sovereign God is able to ‘turn the tables’ for those who trust Him.
Theme: John tells us of the of how an investigation of Jesus’ tomb resulted in belief on the part of the disciples.
Theme: Timothy is given instruction in providing ‘pastoral care’ for those in church leadership.
Theme: This passage teaches us about Jesus’ help when we strain against the frustrations of life.
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