Sermon Preparation
“How do you prepare a sermon?”
“How do you prepare a sermon?”
What are all the views and the Biblical backing for the three main views (premillennial, postmillennial, and dispensational) on how the book of Revelation is interpreted, and what, in your opinion, is the correct view on this topic?
The Bible talks about “elders” in the church. Are these official positions in the church, or are they just people who are recognized as more mature members of a local church family? How do “elders” relate to other “appointed positions” in the church such as “pastors”?
Can you give some insight into the Bible’s teaching about “the new heaven and the new earth”?
What Bible do you recommend, and what is this Gender-neutral version I been hearing about? It all sound nice, but wouldn’t that alter the real meaning of what the Bible is saying?
I pray everyday, the longest before going to sleep. But rarely do I ever get on my knees. It’s not because of bad knees, it’s more of being lazy or comfort. Do you think that weakens my prayer?
The Bible tells us that Jesus was a priest after the Order of Melchizedek rather than the imperfect Levitical priesthood from the lineage of Aaron. What is it that God wants me to understand by this, here and now, in my life?
After the horrors of this morning’s events in the east, I have to wonder what we can do?
Theme: In this passage, Paul tells us about the wonderful news of the heavenly Father’s role in our salvation
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