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Love or Charity?

January 20, 2017 admin 0

I am studying 1 Corinthians 13:4-11 and I see that the King James Version uses the word “charity”, but the New King James Version and many other translations uses the word “love”. Is “love” the accurate word? And verse 10 says, “But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” Is this referring to Jesus?

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To Fast or Not To Fast?

January 14, 2017 admin 0

“Lately, God has been walking with me on a new journey and I’m learning a lot, and fasting is something I’d like to know more about. … Do you fast? Is it true that you can fast food but still drink liquid during the fast? Can you fast things like TV and the Internet?”

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Renouncing Faith?

September 2, 2015 admin 0

Dear pastor, our church had a split over this: ‘Can a ‘born again’ Christian renounce his/her faith?” Answers like, “He had not been saved in the first place”, seems unsatisfactory to me. Please help.

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Bible Translations

November 12, 2013 admin 0

With all the different bibles out there, how do you discern the meanings of the verses from one to the other? I’ve noticed some of the verses are condensed or paraphrased older bible verses. They don’t mean the same thing a lot of times. Help!

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August 21, 2012 admin 0

If Jesus the only person who went up to heaven – or if there were other people who went to heaven before Him. John 3:13 seems to be saying that nobody went to heaven except Jesus. But what about Enoch and Elijah?

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Sins of the Father?

June 20, 2012 admin 0

Does God still punish the children if they are good-hearted, faithful people, just because their parents have sinned?”

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Head Coverings

April 7, 2012 admin 0

I was wondering what insight you could give me on 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 about head coverings

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Women in Church

April 7, 2012 admin 0

A writer to the church has heard it taught that the Bible says women should keep silent in church, and they should rely on their husbands if they have anything to say. She writes:
“I have no problem with it, but I would like to know your opinion on it. What if a woman doesn’t have a husband, especially a Christian husband, dad, brother, son, or any male relative?”

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The Gospel and The Law

April 7, 2012 admin 0

“We know that the Gospel is salvation through Jesus, since by the Law nobody is perfect. So, when we preach the Gospel, do we need to discuss the Law at the same time?”