"I AM THE LIVING BREAD" – John 6:41-59
Theme: Jesus challenges the unbelief around Him by declaring that He is the bread of life.
Theme: Jesus challenges the unbelief around Him by declaring that He is the bread of life.
Theme: Jesus challenges those who seek Him to believe on Him as ‘the Bread of Life’.
Theme: In His miracle of walking upon the Sea of Galilee, our Lord proved Himself to be a King who does not need to be crowned by men.
Theme: In this passage, Jesus supports His claims about Himself by calling forth the witnesses.
Theme: Jesus’ healing of the man at the pool displayed Him as the Son of God who works as does His Father.
Theme: In this passage, the Lord Jesus draws upon His conversation with the woman at the well to teach His disciples some lessons about the gospel “harvest”.
Theme: This passage contains John the Baptist’s words of testimony to the ministry of Jesus.
Theme: Jesus taught the necessity, the nature, and means of being “born again”.
Theme: The conflicts Jesus began to experience in the temple displayed His identity.
Theme: The “sign” at the wedding in Cana identified Jesus as the Creator-God in human flesh.
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