Theme: Paul shows us how to receive the service of others in such a way as to add to their eternal account.
Theme: Paul shows us how to receive the service of others in such a way as to add to their eternal account.
Theme: We are to crave the pure milk of the word so that we’ll grow in Christ.
Theme: Prevailing contentment comes by to learning – in all things – to rest in the sufficiency of Jesus Christ.
Theme: Putting into practice the instructions and examples of the apostle Paul will lead to joy.
Theme: As Jesus’ followers, we must keep our minds fixed on those things that are consistent with who He is.
Theme: True blessing comes to those who not only hear God’s word but also do what it says.
Theme: Prayer in Christ is the Bible’s prescribed cure for the ‘worry’ habit.
Theme: In this world, we are to display a constant fellowship with Jesus through joy in all circumstances and graciousness toward all people.
Theme: Paul’s instructions concerning a disagreement in the church at Philippi give us seven principles in dealing with divisions within the household of faith.
Theme: In this passage, Paul gives us four principles for faithfully ‘walking the walk’ of the Christian life.
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