VICTORY IN SUFFERING – 1 Peter 3:17-22
Theme: Jesus’ victory in suffering for us assures us of our own victory when suffering for Him.
Theme: Jesus’ victory in suffering for us assures us of our own victory when suffering for Him.
Theme: This passage gives us seven essentials that must be in our lives if we would suffer for Jesus to His glory.
Theme: One way that we point to Jesus in an evil world is by living to bless others.
Theme: We are called upon to have ‘good courage’—a courage that is based on the Person and promises of God.
Theme: Believing wives are to ‘beautify the gospel’ through God-honoring submission toward their own husbands.
Theme: Jesus Himself is the example of how to walk for Him while suffering affliction.
Theme: When we display a submissive spirit in the workplace, we work as commendable representatives of the Lord Jesus.
Theme: When we let the Lord Jesus heal our weaknesses through an encounter with Himself, He makes our strengths even stronger.
Theme: The local church is to play the vital role of preserving the truth in an unbelieving world.
Theme: We are to submit to temporal human government in a way that both pleases and proclaims our heavenly King.
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