Theme: As sojourners and pilgrims, we must live carefully so that unbelieving people will be inclined to believe the gospel we preach.
Theme: As sojourners and pilgrims, we must live carefully so that unbelieving people will be inclined to believe the gospel we preach.
Theme: In this passage, God’s people are told how precious they are to Him.
Theme: We are to be built together upon Jesus Christ into a holy temple unto God.
Theme: Jesus’ resurrection has brought about for us the true, lasting, prevailing reason to “rejoice.”
This passage tells us the essential habits for genuine spiritual growth in Christ.
Theme: This passage teaches us to love each other in Christ by focusing less on the “externals” and more on the “eternals”.
Theme: Knowing the great price that was paid for our redemption, we should live our lives on earth in holy awe.
Theme: We’re to put the hope of future glory to work through holy living in the present.
Theme: In this passage, the apostle Peter encourages us to be true to our faith by showing us the great value that others have placed on our salvation.
Theme: Trials are used by God to refine our faith—so that our faith will result in glory in the future.
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