JOSIAH'S STUMBLE – 2 Chronicles 35:20-27
Theme: Josiah’s end warns us not to become so self-willed in our zeal for God’s cause that we actually violate His will in our pursuit of it.
Theme: Josiah’s end warns us not to become so self-willed in our zeal for God’s cause that we actually violate His will in our pursuit of it.
Theme: The sovereign Lord Jesus graciously responds to our need in accordance with our faith in Him.
Theme: King Josiah’s personal reforms show us what it looks like when God’s word truly transforms our lives.
Theme: The story of King Josiah shows us how God provides insight from His word to those who have an earnest heart to receive it.
Theme: This passage shows us why it is that even the most hardened sinners felt drawn to Jesus.
Theme: This passage shows us how God turned our fall in Adam into an opportunity to shower His abounding grace upon us.
Theme: We must not follow the paths taken by others without carefully considering where God says those paths will lead .
Theme: God’s saving grace is revealed to us through the conversation Jesus had with the two men who were crucified with Him.
Theme: We are to prove ourselves to be God’s people in this world by how we respond to the frustrating challenges around us.
Theme: The story of King Manasseh teaches us lessons about the dangers of a rebellion.
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