Theme: Because God’s word is self-authenticating, we’re called to proclaim it faithfully.
Theme: Because God’s word is self-authenticating, we’re called to proclaim it faithfully.
Theme: The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the basis of a joy that cannot be taken away.
Theme: Jesus’ words to the disciples in this morning’s passage help us to know what it is that we’re to grasp about Palm Sunday.
Theme: We should keep fervent in doing good, because God promises a harvest in due time.
Theme: Jotham became mighty “because he prepared his ways before the LORD his God.”
Theme: We must not think we can exclude others from genuine service to Jesus simply because they don’t follow “us.”
Theme: The danger of pride in God’s calling for us is that it might move us to intrude into His calling for others.
Theme: In his letters, Paul let’s us know the things that he knew that enabled him to sing praises to God during a time of dark trial.
Theme: We must be alert to how pride hardens our hearts and closes our ears to God’s will for our lives.
Theme: God’s gift of comfort is passed along by us through our fellowship with others in their suffering.
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