Theme: Paul felt honored to ‘reveal’ the ‘mystery’ of God’s grace to the Gentiles.
Theme: Paul felt honored to ‘reveal’ the ‘mystery’ of God’s grace to the Gentiles.
Theme: Paul expresses the benefits and blessings of being full citizens and family members of God’s household in four ways.
Theme: In Christ, both Jew and Gentile are brought together in peace before the Father.
Theme: In Christ, we who were formerly ‘far away’ from God have now been brought ‘near’.
Theme: Paul describes the wonderful news of our resurrection to newness of life in Jesus.
Theme: Paul prays that his Christian friends would receive a God-empowered knowledge of the rich blessings that are theirs in Christ.
Theme: In this passage, Paul shows us how the Holy Spirit seals us, as the property of God through Christ, unto full salvation.
Theme: In this passage, Paul tells us about how God the Father brought about our full salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.
Theme: In this passage, Paul tells us about the wonderful news of the heavenly Father’s role in our salvation.
Theme: Paul introduces this letter by affirming the blessedness of our present heavenly position in Christ.
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