THE LORD AT HIS COMING – Revelation 19:11-16
Theme: This passage describes the characteristics of our Savior at the time of His glorious return.
Theme: This passage describes the characteristics of our Savior at the time of His glorious return.
Theme: This passage describes the joy in heaven that will immediately precede the return of our Lord to earth, after the destruction of the ‘harlot’ city Babylon.
Theme: This passage describes the finality with which the great ‘harlot’ city Babylon will be thrown down in judgment.
Theme: This passage describes the mourning that will characterize the unbelieving world at the destruction of the great ‘harlot’ city Babylon.
Theme: In this passage, we’re given the reason for the judgment of God falling upon the great harlot city Babylon.
Theme: In this chapter, John is given a vision of the great ‘harlot’ Babylon, which the Antichrist will exploit and the Lord destroy at His coming.
Theme: With the outpouring of the seven ‘bowl’ judgments, the wrath of God upon this unbelieving age is complete (see 15:1).
Theme: Before the sober outpouring of God’s just and final expression of wrath upon the earth, a great prelude of praise to Him will occur in the heavens
Theme: John is given a vision of two great, symbolic ‘reapings’ of the earth before the outpouring of God’s wrath after the tribulation.
Theme: Before the outpouring of His wrath, God will provide three angelic beings in the skies to issue a merciful call for repentance to the people of the world below.
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