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Abram & Sarai

January 19, 2012 admin 0

“In Genesis chapter 16:5, why was Sarai angry with Abram when it was her idea in verse 2 to give her maid to Abram in the first place?”

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January 19, 2010 Pastor Greg Allen 0

“In the case of a person who was born prematurely, and that has mental disorders that cause them to not fully understand what is going on; are they competent enough to be held accountable before God on the Day of Judgment? Most of their emotions are due to their disability.”

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Children's Salvation

January 19, 2010 Pastor Greg Allen 0

“I am 19 years old. I am also a wife and mother. Before my husband and I got married we had twin girls. My husband and I are both Christians and we are concerned about the children being saved. We were concerned particularly about Deuteronomy 23:2. Can you please give us some insight on this?”

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Genesis 48:5

January 19, 2010 Pastor Greg Allen 0

“In Genesis chapter 16:5, why was Sarai angry with Abram when it was her idea in verse 2 to give her maid to Abram in the first place?”

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How Many Heavens?

July 8, 2008 Pastor Greg Allen 0

The Bible talks about more than one heaven. Please help me to understand where the first heaven and second, third, fourth heavens are at.