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12 Thrones

March 3, 2008 Pastor Greg Allen 0

Judas was among them, yet all of my life I have been taught that when Judas betrayed Jesus, and then later hung himself, he sealed his fate to spend eternity in Hell. How could Jesus tell the 12 they would set on 12 thrones, when He had to know that Judas was going to betray him and would not be in Heaven?

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Sunday Sabbath

March 1, 2008 Pastor Greg Allen 0

Why do you worship on and/or observe the Sabbath on Sunday? God clearly stated in Exodus 20 as the Fourth Commandment that the Sabbath (seventh day of the week Saturday) shall be kept holy, He blessed and sanctified the Sabbath.

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Unforgiveable Sin

September 7, 2007 Pastor Greg Allen 0

“I’ve been told by different people different things about the “unforgivable sin”. Some say that it’s the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ when the Holy Spirit reveals Him to be the Savior. Others say that it’s the sin of attributing the miracles of Jesus Christ to Satan. While the latter is really bad, is it unforgivable? What would make it unforgivable? I can see how rejecting Christ becomes unforgivable; but what about the other?”

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Abram & Sarai

June 8, 2007 Pastor Greg Allen 0

How important is the church family to our spiritual lives? Should we treat our church family as an extension of our family, nurturing and holding ourselves accountable to them; or do treat it the same as school and work – a desirable necessity, but not crucial?

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May 3, 2007 Pastor Greg Allen 0

A visitor to our website writes with a question about “vengeance” in the Bible. He reads Romans 12:19 – “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.” He was told that to avenge does not mean vindictiveness, revenge, or retaliation; but that it means restoration of wholeness and integrity. He was told that cries to God for vengeance in the Bible are often cries for redemption, restoration, health, and healing. He writes to ask for clarification on this.