IT TAKES ALL KINDS – Colossians 4:7-18
Theme: In this final study, we consider all the ways God used the different people mentioned in Paul’s closing greeting.
Theme: In this final study, we consider all the ways God used the different people mentioned in Paul’s closing greeting.
Theme: In his closing greetings to the Colossians, Paul describes ways they are to minister to others.
Theme: This passage shows how God is able to use each believer’s unique talents and personality—if they will remain faithful.
Theme: Paul drew comfort from fellow workers who had dramatically different stories.
Theme: Paul drew comfort from fellow workers who had dramatically different stories.
Theme: God is able to use people of remarkably different natures to do His work together.
Theme: As ambassadors for Christ, we must watch our ‘walk’ and our ‘words’ before a watching world.
Theme: This passage teaches us how to pray for the spread of the gospel.
Theme: God calls us to do our work and conduct our work relationships as under the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Theme: In these four verses, God teaches us how we’re to treat one another in our family relationships.
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