OUR ANCHOR HOLDS – Hebrews 6:13-20
Theme: The basis of our spiritual security is the sure promises of God through Christ.
Theme: The basis of our spiritual security is the sure promises of God through Christ.
Theme: Jesus is presented to us as the High Priest of a better covenant by being of a superior priestly order than that of Levi.
Theme: The writer of Hebrews is so confident of his reader’s salvation that he urges them to strive on to perfection.
Theme: There are some for whom, after turning away from God’s grace toward them, a renewal to repentance is impossible.
Theme: The ‘joy’ that was set before Jesus, as He endured the cross, encourages us also to endure for Him.
Theme: The writer of Hebrews tells his readers that it is their obligation to go forward into a deeper knowledge of Christian doctrine.
Theme: The writer of Hebrews assures his readers that Jesus is qualified—above any other—to be our all-sufficient High Priest before God.
Theme: The writer of Hebrews encourages his readers to hold fast their confession of faith, and to come to the throne of grace for all they need.
Theme: The writer of Hebrews highlights the qualities of the word of God and of the God of the word.
Theme: A rest that is from God remains to be enjoyed; and we must be diligent to appropriate it through a persistent faith in Christ.
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