Theme: God’s saving grace is revealed to us through the conversation Jesus had with the two men who were crucified with Him.
Theme: God’s saving grace is revealed to us through the conversation Jesus had with the two men who were crucified with Him.
Theme: We must not let ourselves be deceived from ‘the simplicity that is in Christ’.
Theme: Jesus’ words to the disciples in this morning’s passage help us to know what it is that we’re to grasp about Palm Sunday.
Theme: We must not think we can exclude others from genuine service to Jesus simply because they don’t follow “us.”
Theme: We never need to panic in the storms of life when we’re in the same boat as Jesus.
Theme: If the Christmas story is taken as literally true, then certain, life-transforming conclusions must logically follow.
Theme: The temptations our Lord suffered in the wilderness teach us important spiritual lessons about our own times of temptation to sin.
Theme: In these two verses, we find the basis for the assurance of salvation through God’s own testimony concerning His Son
Theme: Maintaining good works outside the church is the product of affirming good doctrine within the church.
Theme: In our interactions with the sinful people of this world, we need to remember how it is that God graciously saved us.
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