"REJOICE!" – Matthew 28:9
Theme: Jesus’ resurrection has brought about for us the true, lasting, prevailing reason to “rejoice.”
Theme: Jesus’ resurrection has brought about for us the true, lasting, prevailing reason to “rejoice.”
Theme: Because Jesus rose from the dead, we can live in the daily confidence that death is conquered for us.
John 16:20-22 – Theme: For His followers, Jesus’ resurrection means that sorrow perpetually gives way to joy.
John 12:32-33 – Theme: This passage tells us of three glorious things that began to be true when Jesus made His ‘triumphant entry’ into Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday.
Easter Sunday Worship Message Delivered Sunday, April 12, 2009 at Bethany Bible Church [podcast]http://www.bethanybible.org/audio/041209.mp3[/podcast]
I have a question about 1 Corinthians 15:29. In the New International Version, this verse reads, “Now if there is no resurrection, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are to raised at all, why are people baptized for them?” I have been confused in the past by Mormon teaching on this verse; and I still get twisted around by it. It sounds as if this verse is saying that, if people are going to be raised from the dead, then it’s okay to be baptized for the dead. What does this verse really mean?
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