PAUL'S PRAYER FOR THE SAINTS – Ephesians 1:15-23
Theme: Paul prays that his Christian friends would receive a God-empowered knowledge of the rich blessings that are theirs in Christ.
Theme: Paul prays that his Christian friends would receive a God-empowered knowledge of the rich blessings that are theirs in Christ.
Theme: In this passage, Paul shows us how the Holy Spirit seals us, as the property of God through Christ, unto full salvation.
Theme: In this passage, Paul tells us about how God the Father brought about our full salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.
Theme: Paul introduces this letter by affirming the blessedness of our present heavenly position in Christ.
Theme: This passage gives us John’s own concluding witness of the authority of this book.
Theme: This passage describes the Lord Jesus’ testimony in the prophecies of Revelation.
Theme: This passage describes the angel’s testimony regarding the things spoken in the Book of Revelation.
Theme: This passage describes the blessings that the redeemed will enjoy in their eternal home.
Theme: This passage enlivens our desire for the New Jerusalem by telling us the things that will not be found there.
Theme: This passage describes, in astonishing detail, the beauty of the New Jerusalem that will be our eternal dwelling place with Jesus throughout eternity.
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