Theme: Our faith in Jesus is often not just for ourselves alone—but is for the benefit of others who also need to trust Him.
Theme: Our faith in Jesus is often not just for ourselves alone—but is for the benefit of others who also need to trust Him.
Theme: Deborah’s song is a lesson to us in how God helps His people do the hard things of life.
Theme: The story of the demon-possessed man of the tombs illustrates how necessary it is that we be born again through faith in Jesus Christ.
Theme: This passage shows how to trust in Jesus in such a way as to be free from fearfulness.
Theme: The ‘joy’ that was set before Jesus, as He endured the cross, encourages us also to endure for Him.
Theme: Jesus taught the truths of the kingdom in such a way that only those who are in a personal relationship with Him can truly know them.
Theme: God grows His kingdom into world-wide greatness and blessedness from very small beginnings.
Theme: We learn about the importance of baptism by tracing its history in the Book of Acts.
Theme: It’s up to us to rightly ‘hear’ the ‘light of truth’ that God graciously provides in His word.
Theme: There are basic principles involved in truly ‘getting’ the truths of Jesus’ kingdom.
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