Theme: Older women are to model Christ-like womanhood to the younger women in the church.
Theme: Older women are to model Christ-like womanhood to the younger women in the church.
Theme: Older men in the church need to live faithfully for Christ because of the great influence God has given them over others in the church.
Theme: Those who seek to establish moral purity through external matters end up making themselves impure in the sight of God.
Titus 1:12-14 – Theme: Strong biblical leadership must exhort God’s people to separate themselves from the worldly influences that make them vulnerable to false teaching.
Titus 1:10-11 – Theme: One of the reasons that qualified church leadership is necessary is so that the mouths of those who oppose the faith can be stopped from spreading their harm.
Theme: This passage describes the doctrinal faithfulness that must characterize an overseer of God’s household.
Theme: This passage describes the character qualities that must be true of an overseer of God’s household.
Theme: Those who oversee God’s household must be exemplary in their home-life.
Theme: This passage highlights the high standard God places on the character of those who care for His church.
Theme: Human life is sacred because of the high honor God has placed on mankind above all else that He created.
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